Saturday, May 07, 2011

International Phones

I've been checking out international telephones recently, and decided to go with one called the World Phone offered by I ordered one but have not yet received it. The phone got good ratings on internet surveys, so I'll see if it lives up to the hype.
Communications while overseas is always a quandry. I considered taking a laptop, but decided that it is just too heavy. And having had my laptop stolen recently, it is also an added worry. I will just rely on internet cafes while travelling. I also thought about getting a Netbook, but on looking into it found it would cost almost as much as the laptop by the time it is equipped with software, and would I really use it when I'm not on the road?
Being a Neanderthal with no cell phone or smart phone, I did not have the option of putting international calls on a regular cell phone plan, as I have seen some people do. And overseas there is always the problem of different electric current and different plugs, just to add to technological hassles.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to trying out one of these world phones and will let you know how it works out.

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Sunday, May 01, 2011

International Workers' Day

Since today, May 1, is International Workers' Day in many countries, why not use it as an opportunity to thank the workers on airlines, ships, boats, trains, buses and in hotels and other lodging establishments as well as travel agents for all their hard work? Without them, our trips would not be possible.
How often do we stop to think about the maid at the hotel, the busboy at the restaurant, the Metro driver or all the other people whose work goes into producing a pleasant travel experience for us? Even the much maligned TSA agents help make our trips safer, although they may make us somewhat uncomfortable in the process.
Recent news stories about air traffic controllers falling asleep on the job, and about the rigours pilots and other airline employees endure, often for paltry wages, should make us grateful that there are people willing to do these often thankless jobs.
If you happen to see a travel or transportation worker today or in the near future, tell the person how much you appreciate his or her hard work.

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