Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Vibrant Vyborg

A small city in northwestern Russia very close to the border of Finland, Vyborg was once a member of the Hanseatic League of trading cities of northern Europe. The picture above is of a statue of a moose in the largest park in downtown Vyborg.

After a long period of decay, Vyborg is once again showing signs of life. With many buildings that remain from the Middle Ages, when it changed hands between Sweden, Finland and Russia, it is a nice place to stop when travelling from Helsinki to St. Petersburg.
I stopped in Vyborg for lunch once at the end of the Soviet era, and at that time the city seemed very dispirited. I remember seeing an old man walking along carrying a load almost too heavy for him on his shoulders in a heavy downpour, and thinking that he embodied the long-suffering Russian people then.
The main attraction of the city is Vyborg Castle, which dates from the 13th century and is open to visitors for a small fee. It is the site of medieval re-enactments and has a small museum. Also worth a visit is the medieval round tower in the city center that is now a folkloric restaurant with tasty food and sometimes entertainment. The market nearby is a good place to buy handicrafts from the area at reasonable prices. Some of them are similar to what can be found in Finland, since Vyborg was incorporated into Russia only in 1944. There are interesting Russian Orthodox and Lutheran churches, and pleasant parks. One park downtown contains the city's library, a monument of modern architecture created by Alvor Aalto--the wavy wooden ceiling in the auditorium is considered especially interesting.
Vyborg has several good hotels, but checking the ones I could find online I could not find an available date in summer to get a price. This is a good warning to book ahead if you plan to visit this summer, when Vyborg welcomes many tourists, especially from Finland. For information on the city, consult http://www.city.vbg.ru/.
In a subsequent post I'll tell you about a specialized school I visited in Vyborg. Below is the medieval round tower.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:51 am


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