Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Free Online Travel Mag

Looking for some new travel ideas for 2013? You may be interested in an online travel magazine called www.WatchBoom.com. No, it's not about getting out of the way of the sound man, it's geared to members of the Baby Boom generation.
There are different definitions of the Baby Boom in different countries, but generally it includes everybody born after World War II up to about 1965.  The articles in WatchBoom are well-written and likely to appeal to all ages, however, especially to travellers looking for the unusual.
I learned from the site about cruises to the main attractions of classical antiquity in the Mediterranean on a ship called the Aegean Odyssey. This is a converted ferry boat that attracts an older, more intellectual crowd than the usual cruise ship. It sounds a lot like the ships of Swan Hellenic, a British company that cruises the same region and features lectures by highly-qualified academics.
Another article featured Jerash, a ruined Roman city in northern Jordan which I have visited and enjoyed. It is very well-preserved and a lot less crowded than similar places in Italy or Greece.
Not all the travel ideas are modestly-priced, and in the articles I read there was no mention of whether the writer had paid his or her own way. I suspect the writer got a significant reduction in most cases.
You need to sign up to get monthly delivery of the magazine to your in-box, but you can peruse the archives without signing up.


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