Kiplinger's Choice of Travel Websites
The U.S. based Website has a story this week on their choice for the 24 top Websites for travel savings. They include choices for flights, lodging, frequent flyer programs and exchange rates.
I don't completely agree with them--I wonder why they left out two of my favourite sites, Travelocity and Expedia for example--but this is a good article to print out and keep for reference. There is no doubt that with the rise of oil prices and the fall of the U.S. dollar, travel costs are going to be soaring, especially for Americans. Here in Canada we have a little advantage because of the rise of the Canadian dollar to around $1.05 U.S., but that potential advantage is offset to a large extent by higher taxes on air fares and other travel necessities like hotels.
Many Canadians now are travelling across the border to save on flights from nearby U.S. airports, as well as for cross-border shopping bargains in the U.S.
Labels: Aeroplan frequent flyer programs Air Canada Lufthansa travel savings mileage, airline taxes, cross border shopping, Expedia, Kiplingers, oil prices, Travelocity