Tips for Job Hunting Abroad
A lot of people dream of working abroad, but few ever really make the effort to do so. The prospect is intimidating--work visas, probably a different language, unknown legal and financial systems, etc., plus all the usual angst of job-hunting.
So an article by Alexandra Talty on the Website of is useful resource for those hoping to find work in a foreign country. It is addressed mainly to recent university graduates, but a lot of the tips apply to people of all ages. (However, older job seekers should be aware that some countries do have an upper limit, usually 60, for the employment of foreigners.)
Talty suggests committing fully to the project of working abroad, and not worrying about what you will be missing at home. Also, spread the word among all the people you know both personally and online that you are seeking work in a specific country. You may be surprised to find that your doorman has family living in your target country, or your cab driver knows someone there.
For non-English-speaking countries, build your language skills in advance, preferably through total immersion programs or homestays, not just university or language school courses. Talty also recommends not waiting to go until you get a job offer--have the chutzpah to just go and look around. If you have business skills, pick a specific company in your target area and use resources such as or your alumni association to find contacts. Finally, reap the rewards of actually living in an exotic destination, not just visiting it as a tourist.
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